DEC-JAN | JEDI NEWS (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

DEC 25-JAN 2 | Hanukkah: A Celebration of Light and Hope  

Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, honors the miracle of a small amount of oil lasting eight days after the Jewish Maccabees reclaimed their temple over 2,000 years ago. Families celebrate by lighting the menorah, playing dreidel, enjoying foods like latkes and doughnuts, and sharing gifts. 

At its core, Hanukkah reminds us that even a little light can shine brightly in the darkness. 

DEC 26-JAN 1 | Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Unity and Culture

Kwanzaa, a non-religious holiday created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, professor and activist, is observed annually from December 26 to January 1. It is a time for reflection, cultural rediscovery, and reaffirming values that strengthen families and communities. Each day, a candle is lit to honor one of Kwanzaa's seven principles, with the celebration culminating in the Karamu Ya Imani (Feast of Faith).

The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa

  • Day 1 (Dec. 26): Umoja – Unity

  • Day 2 (Dec. 27): Kujichagulia – Self-Determination

  • Day 3 (Dec. 28): Ujima – Collective Work & Responsibility

  • Day 4 (Dec. 29): Ujamaa – Cooperative Economics

  • Day 5 (Dec. 30): Nia – Purpose

  • Day 6 (Dec. 31): Kuumba – Creativity

  • Day 7 (Jan. 1): Imani – Faith

A Connection to Heritage

Dr. Karenga created Kwanzaa to reconnect African Americans with their cultural roots and values, drawing inspiration from traditional African harvest ceremonies. The holiday encourages reflection on identity, history, and resilience, addressing the dislocation caused by the African slave trade.

Join the Celebration
Watch the International Civil Rights Museum's "2024 Kwanzaa Celebration Presentation" online from December 26 to January 1 for a meaningful and enriching experience. (Jaimeika Lewis)  

JANUARY | National Poverty in America Awareness Month 

Poverty is a very complicated issue, but feeding a child isn’t.
— Jeff Bridges

Poverty is a major factor affecting health and well-being, often persisting across generations. Contributing factors include limited access to education, disabilities, and social discrimination. 

You can help reduce poverty by: 

  • Donating to organizations that support those in need. 

  • Volunteering at local food banks or shelters. 

  • Learning more about poverty's causes and effects. 

Together, we can make a difference. For more information, Health, Poverty, Action. (Laina Reavis)

 JAN 4 | World Braille Day

World Braille Day celebrates Braille as a vital tool for communication, education, and equality for blind and visually impaired individuals. Honoring Louis Braille’s 19th-century invention, the day highlights the importance of accessibility and the right to information. 

Support World Braille Day by advocating for improved accessibility and raising awareness. Learn more about World Braille Day. (Laina Reavis)

 JAN 15 | World Religion Day

Hello, global citizens! Religion is arguably the most powerful social construct in human history - more influential than politics, money, and nationality. World Religion Day is the celebrated 3rd Sunday of every January – no surprise really, since Christians make up 31% of world population. 

Origin. Once upon a time, our ancestors evolved the ability to imagine and think abstractly. And voila, spirits were everywhere! As societies grew larger and more complex, animism developed into organized religion - with rituals, gods, temples, and priests. Religion provided a shared set of stories, values, and myths – allowing large numbers of people to work together and build complex social networks. Religion was also used to justify the rule of kings, becoming a support system for another social construct - politics.  

Fun Facts

  • You can be very religious without a God or deity – just ask the 535 million Buddhists.

  • Humans have worshipped more than 1,000 gods – more options than my ice-cream parlor. 

  • There are Theists (God Squad), Atheists (Nope Squad), and Apatheists (Shrug Squad) - those who do not care whether deities exist or not. Which team are you on? 

Importance: Throughout history, more people have been killed in the name of religion than by natural disasters – 50 to 100 million deaths. With 85% of people practicing religion, tread faithfully in your neighborhood. Most of your neighbors believe your type of faith, or lack of it, can be used to significantly impact your social dynamics! 

That is why World Religion Day is so important. It’s a time to emphasize tolerance, peace, and unity. This day highlights how spirituality should be used to connect humanity for good - as a source of strength and inspiration. (George Chege)

JAN 16 | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day

Hi, fellow Americans! How far have we come, since the days of segregation, to reach January 15th - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day? The struggle for civil rights is a powerful narrative that has shaped our nation's history. Dr. King's dream of equality began to take root over 60 years ago, and its impact continues to resonate today. 

Dr. King's legacy is filled with remarkable achievements: 

• Led the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, lasting 385 days – marking the rise of MLK as an activist 

• Delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963 – inspiring millions with the famous line, “… they shall not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” 

• Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 at just 35 years old – youngest recipient ever at that time 

• Instrumental in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 

Let's celebrate unity, equality, and the incredible journey towards justice that brings us together as a nation. As Dr. King himself said, "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." 

Do you know Dr. King’s favorite dessert? Equality pie – because it’s best served to everyone! (George Chege)


David Henderson